2017 Mercedes-AMG E63 Hits 190 MPH on Autobahn

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Video of 603-horsepower E63’s Autobahn run makes us envious of Europeans.

Ever wonder what it’d be like to reach nearly 200 MPH in a Mercedes-AMG, or any other car for that matter?
Oh, and even more importantly, pulling it off safely and not winding up in jail, or being banned from driving for life?

Okay, so maybe there are a few of you here that have been fortunate or crazy enough (depending on perspective) to reach that kind of speed in your Mercedes. But unless you’ve been fortunate enough to land some wheel time with the new 603-horsepower Mercedes-AMG E63, you probably haven’t experienced anything like the run depicted in the video above.

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The clip gives viewers a cockpit view of the Autobahn run. The driver can be seen hitting a speed of 307 kilometers per hour. That’s 187.24 MPH for those of us more accustomed to the roads here in the States.

Pretty thrilling just thinking about the idea, right? But as The Drive points out, it appears that the E63 might have tapped out before reaching that 330 KPH mark on the speedometer. Though that could have been an issue with some kind of iPhone app rigged to help gauge the car’s speed. Either way, it’s still exciting to watch the car push the limit on Germany’s autobahn, where speed is all relative.

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