New xenon burners by Osram

New xenon burners by Osram

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mercedes benz xenon headlamps get brighter starting december 25792 1 597x397 New xenon burners by Osram

December is going to be a lot brighter thanks to the company’s latest headlamp innovations. Mercedes-Benz stands firm to their belief that the closer you get to producing headlamp light output that’s similar to daylight, the more safer your clients are as well as all motorists in general. And that’s why beginning December, both the E-Class and S-Class ranges will feature brand new xenon burners courtesy of Osram.

These burners feature a color temperature that’s been spiked up by 20 percent. With a power output of 5,000 Kelvin, the new Osram xenons will jump one giant leap towards imitating broad daylight. Still, 5,000 Kelvin is still within a human being’s visual acuity, while at the same time signaling the brain that the eyes are in fact seeing brighter light. The positive benefit of this is the reduction of optical fatigue felt by the driver.

And when a driver sees better, he or she is more relaxed and better able to focus on the road. Safety wise, this is a big improvement to current headlamp technologies, despite the average 20 percent of journeys happening under the dark of night. Figuratively speaking, that’s enough time for around 40 percent of all road accidents to happen in general.

mercedes benz xenon headlamps get brighter starting december 25792 1 60x60 New xenon burners by Osram
mercedes benz xenon headlamps get brighter starting december 25792 2 60x60 New xenon burners by Osram

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