Blue Light Special: Mercedes-Benz CLK GTR for $1.4 Million

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Blue Light Special: Mercedes-Benz CLK GTR for $1.4 Million
A long, long time ago (the mid 90s), Mercedes decided to take the CLK racing. Back then, there weren’t any of the sweet protoype cars that you see running around the track like we do nowadays, so manufacturers had to roll their own. Their result was the CLK-GTR. In the FIA GT class, it was dominant. It won so much, that in 1999 no other manufacturer even entered the GT1 class because Mercedes’ car was that good.

Though in order to race, they had to build a few for public consumption. The car at the top of the page, is number 17 out of 25. It’s even been federalized in the states so you can drive it around on the street. Not that you would. The dealership selling the car is charging $1.4 million for this rare and extremely cool homogulation Benz.

Oogle the photos below. Or, grab a few of your extremely wealthy friends and put in a bid on ebay. We would if we could.

via [Jalopnik]

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