Drawing Submissions Leak To Reveal Smart Roadster Design

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Content provided by BenzInsider.com
smart roadster1 597x374 Drawing Submissions Leak To Reveal Smart Roadster Design

With the New Year comes reports that Mercedes-Benz has trademarked a design for a smart roadster. The two-seat runabout is unmistakably a smart design and the drawings show a remarkably appealing vehicle that looks to be a hit if it is produced. Topless roadsters always evoke images of fun and spirited driving but of course, given the smart car’s current engines, the spirited part of the equation might not be up to the task.

<a href=”http://www.benzinsider.com/?attachment_id=12134″ rel=”attachment wp-att-12134″><img src=”http://www.benzinsider.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/01/smart-roadster-597×374.jpg” alt=”” title=”smart-roadster” width=”597″ height=”374″ class=”alignnone size-medium wp-image-12134″ /></a>

The designs look to be a preview for the next generation of the smart
fortwo line. Although the designs – courtesy of the patent office – are
for a topless two-seater, it is not hard to imagine smart putting a
roof on the preview and selling it as the replacement for the current
fortwo. The Tridion safety cell is still in place and the overall shape
evokes smart designs but a lot of detail work has been done to make the
car look new.

However, all the information at the moment comes from the pictures
that have made it to the Internet. There is nothing yet on the
mechanicals or other detail and so the public will have to wait and see
what other information filters through over time.

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