Esquire’s Sexiest Woman Alive: Emilia Clarke Canoodles a Benz

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Here at MBWorld, we cover all the Mercedes-Benz news that’s fit to print. So it just makes sense that we highlight the video below, Esquire‘s glorious ode to Emilia Clarke, this year’s Sexiest Woman Alive.

What exactly does the scantily clad Game of Thrones star have to do with MB you ask? Well, because we’re thorough, we noticed that at about the 1:30 mark of the video, Khaleesi slithers into a hot, red Mercedes-Benz. Nothing gets by your eagle-eyed MBWorld editors. Nothing.

It’s tough to tell exactly what Benz model Clarke is canoodling, but we’re assuming it’s the Mercedes-AMG GT. After all, the Sexiest Woman Alive deserves nothing less than the sexiest car around. And shouldn’t the Mother of Dragons drive a car that breathes fire?

Of course, it doesn’t really matter what model Mercedes Esquire used for the shoot, as the three-pointed star itself gets a nice, long, glory shot. And with a high profile video like this, that’s what really matters. Not to mention, there’s a good chance most guys won’t notice the car in the video at all.

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Via [Esquire]

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