FrankenMerc — I Don’t Know Any Way Else to Describe It

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FrankenMerc (1)

Our friends over at Jalopnik sometimes have a real sick sense of humor. This time, there is no humor. No reprise. No safety for your children or your eyes. My apologies in advance. Women who are nursing, young children and the elderly are encouraged to look away. Those still willing to have your eyes seared by this abomination, it will haunt your dreams.

This monstrosity is obviously the creation of some sick, twisted, demented person who has no care in the world for anyone else on the road. I don’t know why you just wouldn’t transfer the drivetrain into the old car, and not hack up both to create some sort of FrankenMerc that wants to eat your soul.

FrankenMerc (2)

I’m so sorry, loyal readers — I am so, so sorry. DAMN YOU JASON TORCHINSKY! DAMN YOU TO HELL!

(MBWorld is not liable for those witnesses who experience coma, death, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, decrease in semen, pregnancy, restless leg syndrome, burning of the eyes, nose or rectum, oily discharges, a sense of urgency to gouge out one’s own eyes, liver failure, trees spontaneously sprouting from toes, psychotic nightmares, a sudden urge to jump off tall objects, or suddenly turning into a redneck.)

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