Fuel filter leak recall issued on 2011 models

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logo Fuel filter leak recall issued on 2011 models

Heads up, folks! If you’re driving a 2011 E-Class, GL-Class, M-Class or R-Class, then you’d better call your dealer right away. Mercedes-Benz has just issued a recall on these models due to leakage problems on their fuel filters. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration says there is an o-ring on the fuel system that may not have been lubricated and installed properly, thus causing fuel to spill out.

The recall bulletin from NHTSA provides specific details on diesel
variants of these models, but our friends over at The Car Connection
says otherwise, confirming that the problem affects gasoline variants as
well. So be warned and be safe. Your dealer should replace the
problematic fuel filter free of any charge whatsoever. It should be out
publicly sometime before December. For your safety’s sake, call your
dealer right now. You’ll never know when that bit of fuel catches fire
from a cigarette stub.

We’ve all seen how fire chases a trail of leaked fuel. If you’re a
fan of Bruce Willis in Die Hard, you should be able to recall how John
McClane brought down, or blew up rather, a plane at mid takeoff. How did
he do that? Well, he conveniently opened up the fuel door cap on the
left wing and let out the fuel. He then jumped off the plane and set
fire to the trail. This isn’t meant to scare you folks. It’s just a
reminder of the hazards of fuel leaks.

Content provided by BenzInsider.com

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