I-opener: AMG ends all speculations on Pagani C9’s powerplant

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zonda2spy6 597x376 I opener: AMG ends all speculations on Pagani C9s powerplant

Sometimes, you just have to nip expectations or speculations in the
bud to tame people’s over-excitement down before they grow out of
proportion. Otherwise, you’re going to have a lot of disappointed fans
out there who’ll be less than interested in your new toys. That is why
both Mercedes-Benz and Pagani decided to make it clear to everyone out
there that no–the up-and-coming Pagani C9′s V12 engine will have
absolutely nothing to do with the current V12 that’s rocking the SL65
AMG Black Series. Although it’s AMG that is solely responsible for
developing the engine that’s going to rid each and everyone of the
Pagani C9′s competition, the tuner was quite steadfast saying that the
engine they’re working on was something borne out of a Mercedes engine,
and not necessarily something similar.

To end all rumors, AMG says the V12 that resides under the Black
Series’ hood is capable of 670hp and 730lb-ft. That motor is a hyped up
version of the V12 that’s powering the base SL65 AMG. The engine that’s
screaming from behind the C9′s cockpit? That’s not the same engine, or
any derivative of the aforementioned engines whatsoever. It’s totally
different, and that is where their statement ends? So we’re all pretty
much left guessing what it really is. But does it really matter once
you’re inside the C9?

zonda2spy6 60x60 I opener: AMG ends all speculations on Pagani C9s powerplant
zonda2spy5 60x60 I opener: AMG ends all speculations on Pagani C9s powerplant
zonda2spy4 60x60 I opener: AMG ends all speculations on Pagani C9s powerplant
zonda2spy3 60x60 I opener: AMG ends all speculations on Pagani C9s powerplant
zonda2spy2 60x60 I opener: AMG ends all speculations on Pagani C9s powerplant
zonda2spy1 60x60 I opener: AMG ends all speculations on Pagani C9s powerplant

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