Jay Leno Takes the 2016 Mercedes-AMG GT S for a Spin

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Before Jay Leno and his crew go big time and jump from the Internet to full television episodes (because, you know, he’s never been on TV or anything), Jay’s releasing a few last pieces of video on his YouTube channel. The webisode below features Jay during Monterey Car Week, at what might be the greatest car show on the planet: The Quail, a Motorsports Gathering.

As Jay walks through the of millions of dollars worth of rare vehicles on the Quail lawn, he makes a few important stops to talk to Christian von Koenigsegg, Rob Dickinson of Singer Vehicle Design, Jon Ikeda, VP and GM of Acura, and Brandon Coté, AMG’s Manager of Special Vehicles.

Being that this is MB World, you may just want to skip to the Mercedes-Benz part, which starts at 18:40, and the GT S coverage starts at 23:28. Go ahead and see what Jay has to say below.

Chime in with your thoughts on the forum. >>

Via [Jay Leno’s Garage]

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