Lewis Hamilton Rips Through Monaco in his Zonda

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Lewis Hamilton's Pagani Zonda

Tunnels are fun when you have loud pipes. The echo and reverberation shoot straight through you and make you have the chills. At least if you are a massive car fan like me. But there is one tunnel, one singularly unique tunnel in all the world that makes those echoes and reverbs better. The tunnel on the Monaco Formula 1 circuit.

That tunnel is legendary. It speaks to how tracks used to conform to public roadways. It’s a bastion for those who want to relive a long-forgotten era. However, for most of the time, the tunnel is filled with traffic, and you really can’t take a loud car up to its limits. That is unless you are Mercedes Formula 1 driver Lewis Hamilton. Then you can close down the roadway and take your one-off, Mercedes-powered Pagani Zonda through the tunnel, revving the balls off it for your amusement. Take a look.

It’s a magnificent noise — one that tells you that you are in something special. I love the Zonda. It is a true supercar. Why? The noise. The new Huayra doesn’t have that same shrill scream running through the gears like the Zonda does. Supercars are meant to be loud and brash, and this video just highlights both of those aspects perfectly. It must be nice to be Lewis Hamilton, mustn’t it?

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