Matt Farah Tracks a G-Wagen, Traction Control Says “No!”

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Matt Farah starts off this video a little differently. Instead of diving right into talking about the car he has in his hands, he begins by speaking about the location where he is driving, which happens to be the local-to-Los Angeles race track Willow Springs. He briefly discusses how L.A. used to be littered with tracks, but Willow is one of the only ones to survive. It’s certainly the closest to the city, even if it is about an hour and a half away (if your’e not including the downtown Long Beach track).

On this day of filming, Farah brings along a Mercedes-Benz G63 AMG to drive on the the “Streets of Willow,” a separate portion at the Springs. So what big test is he doing with a G-Wagen on a track? Nothing important, really. You can take any car onto Willow, so Farah just figured, among all the Miatas and Porsches, why not a 571-horsepower, 5,600-pound people-mover? After all, it’s supposed to hit 60 mph from a standstill in less than five seconds.

So, Farah gets it out there, starts driving… and can’t. Not because he doesn’t want to, but because the car literally won’t let him. Traction control ain’t havin’ any part of going around corners at speed, so he was basically just an obstacle for all the other drivers out there. Luckily, there are some trails near the track for the G63 to properly redeem itself.

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Via [/DRIVE]

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