Mercedes Shows Off 2016 AMG Family in New Video

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There’s something about numbers that can elicit an emotional response from an AMG enthusiast. “63” is a number associated with a thumping loud exhaust, great speed, the smell of rubber, and the sight of flashing lights behind you. “65” has been synonymous with massive V12 engines, torque that can align your back better than a chiropractor, and superb luxury.

But we now have “smaller” AMGs: the 43-series and the 45-series, and add to that the SUV coupes. So does all of this proliferation of the Mercedes-Benz lineup dilute the AMG prestige and heritage? I don’t really think it does. And I’m sure the accountants like it, because AMGs rarely stay on a dealer lot for very long. So obviously the customers like them as well.

Even the smaller-cylinder-count AMGs get treated with the same love, and carry the AMG ethos of having each engine built by hand, under the guidance of just one person. From the CLA to the G-wagon, the AMG family may be bigger than ever, but we love each one showcased in the video below, in its own special way.

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Via [Car Scoops]

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Patrick Morgan is an instructor at Chicago's Autobahn Country Club and contributes to a number of Auto sites, including MB World, Honda Tech, and 6SpeedOnline. Keep up with his latest racing and road adventures on Twitter and Instagram!

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