Patents Reveal Possible SLS 4-door

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Marcus Slater
Mercedes has kept mum on any upcoming major changes to their SLS AMG flagship super car, but a few leaked patent designs might shed some light on their plans. Whatever it is, it sure is long.

It’s not entirely clear what the purpose of these patents are and whether or not they’re actually for a production model of a 4-door SLS. But there are a few interesting reveals from these figures.

Obviously the biggest addition are the suicide doors. This wouldn’t be of any consequence normally, but the car also lacks a b-pillar. It’s a fairly uncommon configuration in their normal cars, but I guess they’ve carried over this design element from the CLS.

Oddly enough, the promise of a four-door makes the SLS even more attractive. I mean, the explosive gullwing doors are standout elements of style by themselves, but the addition of suicide doors takes it over the top. 
Is four doors two doors too many? Let us know what you think in the forum!

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