S-Class Vanity Plate Shows the Decline of the Stock Market

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Throughout the last few years, specialty, or vanity plates if you prefer, have sold for big money in the U.K. and Dubai. They’re bought by a select few individuals that have more money than sense, and usually go onto the back of some multi-million dollar hypercar that gets stored away in someone’s basement, never to be seen again.

However, this is the good ol’ U.S. of A., and we do it on the cheap here. For example, Bloomberg News recently found a 2002 Mercedes S-Class with the license plate that says “Wall ST,” for sale on eBay. Now, it’s not clear if the $12,000 price tag is for the plate and the car, though the anchor believes it’s just for the plate. Even if it were both, the S-Class has done 90,000 miles, and the exterior looks pretty good, but is $12,000 too much for both a “Wall ST” vanity plate and a car that will inevitably cost you an arm and a leg to fix?

What about just the plate? Would you ever pay that much just for a vanity plate? What would it say?

Chime in with your thoughts on the forum. >>

via [Bloomberg Business]

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