Kleeman Adds 140 HP to Make the Best SLS

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sls3 Full disclosure: I’ve never been in the Mercedes SLS AMG. But I know many other journalists that have. And not a single one of them has ever said, “You know it’s great, but it could use an additional 140 horsepower.” Seriously, not a single one. That, however, doesn’t matter when you are an elite Mercedes tuning shop. If you’re in the mood for a bit more oomph, then why should logic stop you? sls2 Kleeman, Dutch purveyors of ridiculously overpowered Mercs, apparently came to that conclusion. So they went ahead and added a little bit (okay, a lot) more power to the SLS AMG. Then they stuck a bunch of GoPro’s on top of it and headed off to their local track to film this symphony of awesome. Just listen to that V8, yikes that’s good.

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