Mercedes Thief Fails Hard, Gets Karma Brick to the Face

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Mercedes continues to be at the top of the most wanted list among both buyers and car thieves. That said, there is a certain class of thief that usually goes after high-end cars. They’re usually a bit more cunning than your average car thief, and that’s primarily because these cars are a bit harder to steal. Well, that’s certainly what this thief found out.

At first you see the wannabe thief grab a small rock to bust open the window of an E-Class. After a few tries with nothing to show for it, he seems to leave the car alone. But no, the thief has merely been retooling. He upgrades his method of entry to a larger, more sturdy brick. What happens next is just pure comedy gold: the Mercedes takes that brick and sends it back into the car-thief’s noggin.

When I first watched the video below, I actually started crying, that’s how hard I was laughing. Just the fact that the thief keeps trying and trying, then decides to grab a brick when nothing else works, well, that would’ve been enough for me to start laughing. But smacking himself in the head and rendering himself unconscious is just tasty icing on this karma cake.

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