‘Best Motoring’ Swings the AMG Hammer

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Best Motoring is a Japanese auto show that went on forever in Japan. It was Top Gear before Top Gear became Top Gear. Yes, that makes absolutely no sense, and neither does Best Motoring, at least for most English speakers. However, undeniably, Best Motoring is one of those shows you just binge watch on YouTube when you’re absolutely bored out of your skull and the rest of the Internet is fighting.

Sometimes though, you come across something special, and this is one of those times. The clip we have here is from an episode of Best Motoring that pits the Mercedes 300E 6.0 AMG “Hammer” against a Honda NSX, a RUF built Porsche, and a few other ridiculous cars from the same era.

The video has the most perfect opening for the Hammer: a massive burnout into a drift. Because when you have an AMG that’s dubbed the Hammer, that’s exactly what you need to do. Check it out below.

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