Mercedes-Benz Turned a smart Into a Laughably Luxurious Golf Cart

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For those who continually remark that smart cars look like goofy golf carts with doors, your day has come. Your proof is here. Mercedes-Benz, the company who owns smart, has introduced a golf cart, and its appearance is pretty much exactly like a sharper-looking version of a smart car.

It’s called the Style Edition Garia Golf Car. It is the creation of Mercedes-Benz designers, Daimler’s Business Innovation Think & Act Tank, and golf cart makers Garia. The majority of golf carts are either Club or EZ Go. But those are far too simple for fancy people. They have no style, cheap plastics, cheap seats, and no real amenities. I mean, if you’re going to be lazy on the course, you might as well do it right, no?

The Style Edition Garia has nothing short of a carbon fiber roof and headlight enclosures, gorgeous wood floor and trim, LED lights, a Bluetooth speaker system, a 10-inch digital screen, leather seats, and a fridge for all that Gatorade beer.

“In the interior we have created something of a mobile lounge, with a new, interactive design on a touchpad where I can run both my golf software and the vehicle software,” said Gorden Wagener, head of design at Daimler AG, via a press release. “Mercedes-Benz stands for modern luxury, and golf is an authentic part of that theme. It is a very active sport, but also very luxurious.”

Of course, because it’s all the rage, electricity powers this bad boy, too.

Also, shout out to this photo making absolutely no sense in relation to where the golfer is standing and where the cart is parked:


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via [Mercedes-Benz]

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