This Just In: Winter Sucks

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Winter can be a hellish landscape of snow and ice, and with that comes a massive number of accidents. Now most of these accidents could have been well avoided, if the driver would have slowed down, or if they knew that AWD or 4WD doesn’t make a lick of difference when trying to stop in said snow and ice. All in all, though, winter just sucks.

One of our forum members learned this the hard way when he came out on the wrong side of an ice sheet last week. Unfortunately, the damage to his car seems far from minor, and to add insult to injury, he was traveling at a rather careful pace.

Last week, jattisingh, was heading home when he turned onto one of his neighborhood streets. His car lost control and began sliding, thus forcing his left back wheel into the curb.


Thankfully, it was low speed, so he was okay. But his Mercedes S550 didn’t fare as well. From the pictures, not only is the wheel properly messed up, but it also looks like part of the suspension and potentially some of the internal 4Matic pieces could be broken as well.

Fortunately, jattsingh has insurance to cover the bill, but it just goes to show you, everyone should move to a warmer climate immediately, because snow sucks.

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