Is Mercedes’ AMG Sport Line for Posers?

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When Mercedes announced that it would be developing the AMG Sport Line, it’s safe to say that pretty much everyone with a full-on AMG was a bit ticked. Most joked around that this way just a way of making inferior drivers feel better about themselves, or that the cars are just wannabe versions of the real thing, and merely enhanced with stick-on badges.

It evolved into quite a discussion, not only about the new lineup of cars, but also about badging in general. Through the thread, one commenter asked if you could just buy the AMG badge and stick it to a normal C-Class. Everyone said you could, but that if you were found out by the AMG crowd, you’d definitely lose your street cred.

From there, it came back around to the new lineup of cars, and again, the AMG owners are not happy about it.

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A prime example of this feeling comes from member jrcart:

Damn right we take it seriously, why would I (or anyone) that spends $130k-$300k for a real AMG be excited about this crapbox, bargain-basement wannabe version. It is not even a real AMG, the engine is not built by AMG and AMG even says it is not a real AMG and people who buy one will not be allowed to go on the AMG Private Lounge, nor will you get complimentary admission to the AMG Drive Academy or AMG customer functions such as PL Days around the world.  The C450 “AMG Sport” is a joke, Mercedes is ruining the AMG brand.”

Personally, I tend to agree with the AMG guys. This is one of the most flagrant forms of brand dilution in the last few years. I’d say, stick to what AMG is good at and not dilute the brand further. However, I can clearly understand where Mercedes is coming from, wanting to make a profit and all. And this AMG Sportline is going to sell like hotcakes. Hopefully, down the line, it’ll also put more butts into a real AMG.

Chime in with your thoughts on the forum. >>

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