Audi Q5 Flies Off 4th Floor of Parking Garage

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Audi Q5 Falling Off Parking Garage

Look, I’m not the world’s best parker by any stretch, but at least I can say I’ve never risked my life while trying to get into a spot.

Unfortunately, this 23-year-old Audi Q5 driver in Maryland can’t say the same thing. While trying to pull into a spot, she crashed through a concrete barrier and sent her car flying from the fourth floor of a Towson area parking garage. Fortunately, somehow, someway, she lived to tell about it.

According to police, the driver “was not seriously injured during the crash,” though she was sent to Sinai Hospital, just to be safe.

If you watch the video below, repeatedly, as we schadenfreude lovers are wont to do, you’ll see the Audi manages to hit rear-first, thanks to a well-placed flower bed. Had that not distributed the impact of the fall, this driver might not have been so lucky.

While this might be a pretty good indication that the Q5 is one well-built automobile, it might also be a pretty good indication that those who drive them, and presumably other Audis, are the worst drivers in the world.

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Via [ABC News]

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