Chris Harris Drives the CLS 63 Wagon Smoking and Sideways

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Chris Harris Drives the CLS 63 Wagon Smoking and Sideways
To think there was a time when the wagon was the official vehicle of the soccer mom. The words “performance” and “wagon” couldn’t even be put in the same sentence without dripping sarcasm. Things have changed. Strangely, the soccer moms have moved to on to less efficient and utilitarian CUV and SUV market, leaving the wagon to make a comeback. This time though, it has a different name: The Shooting Brake.

If you need to carry a lot of stuff very quickly while leaving noxious plumes of tire smoke in your wake, there’s a good chance the CLS 63 AMG Shooting Brake is on your radar. But it’s not the only game that Mercedes offers. There’s also the  E-Class wagon to contend with. Besides looks, what is the difference really? And is it worth it over the normal CLS?

That’s what Chris Harris sets out to find in this video. Well, that’s part of what he sets out to do. The other part is to slide around corners and chase down Porsches. Life is hard.


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