Dramatic Crash Shows You Why a Mercedes Is Safer Than a Civic

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Honda Civic crash

There are times we take for granted the safety technology that goes into the cars we drive. Especially all the safety technology that goes into all those high-horsepower AMG models. We can rattle off numbers, horsepower figures, power-to-weight, and a whole host of other performance data points until we’re blue in the face. However, many of us would struggle to grasp all the safety, technology, and engineering that goes into every single Mercedes automobile.

Keeping in mind all the engineering and technology in a Mercedes, try watching this next video without cringing at the thought that the driver is essentially driving a clapped-out Honda Civic with entirely too much horsepower for their own good. Miraculously, according to the YouTube video’s description, the driver only suffered a punctured lung after this frightening barrel roll.

This wreck would have been bad even with a full body, air-bags, and every type of safety tech that Mercedes offers. It’s worse when you consider all the non-safety stuff from a ‘90s era Civic. I think we can all say we’re glad we’re not that driver and glad to have our safety technology.

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Via [1320video]

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