Burnt G63 AMG Left for Dead in Saudi Arabia

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Saudi Arabia and other Persian Gulf States are known for supporting some lavish lifestyles. From the Dubai police force that is entirely made up of supercars to abandoning Enzos and other rare exotics in the desert, things get a bit eccentric in this area of the world. Especially when it comes to cars. And now it’s time to add another eccentric car story about an abandoned Mercedes G63 AMG.

According to a report from Autoevolution, the vehicle in question was found in Dammam, Saudi Arabia, and was found in the middle of the desert burnt to a crisp and left for dead, essentially. From the photos, it appears to have caught fire in the engine bay and spread from there.


There are no bodies, no people laying claim to the AMG, and no one has any idea what actually happened. All we know is that someone just left a burning G63 AMG in the desert and hasn’t come back for it.

Can you imagine the amount of wealth you’d need to have to just let a G63 AMG burn to the ground and then leave it lying around like a gum wrapper? I can’t, but then again, I’m not an oil sheikh. What do you guys think happened? Was it a secret CIA mission gone wrong, or a kidnapping gone right? Or was it just some rich 17-year-old that couldn’t care less?

Chime in with your thoughts on the forum. >>

via [Autoevolution]

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