Here’s How to Make Your Old Mercedes Howl Like a Pagani

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Yesterday, our friends over at Jalopnik discovered the best way possible to modify your old Mercedes. Turn it into a Zonda.

They lay it out fairly easily. First, you need to find a Mercedes 600 from 1992-2002. Six-hundred-level Mercs use the same V12 block that was in the original C12 Pagani. Then you need to get your hands on a set of equal-length, long-tube headers. The effect of the headers is just staggering, for they turn your almost two-decade-old car into a screaming, evil-sounding Zonda! It’s wonderful. Don’t believe me? Listen to this.

If that doesn’t get your heart pumping, or put a smile on your face, you have no business being here. The Zonda noise is one of the most wonderful things on the planet; something I truly miss in the new Huayra. Supercars need to sound like supercars; not just wooshy noises. I think we should all agree that if we see one of these cars on the road, we must stop the owners, and tell them they must do this to their cars. It’s for the children!

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