I Sat in the SLS AMG Black Series and All I Got was this Lousy Picture

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I Sat in the SLS AMG Black Series and All I Got was this Lousy Picture
It’s amazing how polite/threatening the phrase “Sir, please get out of the car” can sound.

They should’ve had a sign up there or something that said “Don’t sit! This car is worth more than your entire life.” Still, my butt was firmly planted in the driver’s seat of the SLS AMG Black series for a full 14 seconds before a Mercedes-Benz usher came by and shooed me away. For those few seconds though I got to know what it was like. The feel of the pedals, the texture of the steering wheel, the firm (but not uncomfortable) grip of the bucket seats. It felt… Good.

Sitting in any super car is a special experience, unless, of course, you’re Chris Harris or Tiff Needell. For them and some other auto journalists, it’s an experience that’s probably lost some of it’s magic thanks to driving ridiculous things every single day. After all, almost everything loses its luster after doing it too much.

Though in this case, the SLS AMG Black Series is new. Incredibly new. These two cheeks have joined the ranks of a rarefied few. Count it as a small victory for the every day dude who probably won’t be sitting in that car ever again, let alone buy it.

Maybe I’ll get another chance to see the world from behind the steering wheel of an SLS AMG Black series. Maybe not. Either way, I probably won’t forget it. In part thanks to this single (kinda crappy) picture I was able to snap.

Until we meet again, auf wiedersehen fräulein.

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