Mercedes-Benz Pre-Safe System Protects Your Ears in an Accident

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If you thought Mercedes-Benz was investing all of its cutting-edge technology resources into autonomous and electric vehicles, then think again.

Sure, the carmaker is clearly putting a lot into a future where driverless cars and alternative powertrains are more commonplace. But the company is also cracking new frontiers when it comes to high-tech and safety features, far beyond just autonomous vehicles.

Take, for example, Mercedes-Benz’s Pre-Safe system, which plays a “pink noise” during an accident in order to protect the occupants’ ears, as highlighted in a Geek report. Essentially, the system uses built-in sensors to detect when an accident is unavoidable, then plays the noise through the speakers.

When that occurs, the sound triggers a reflex in the stapedius muscle, which essentially allows the ear to protect itself during an accident. Mercedes vehicles like the E-Class are already equipped with a special audio processing chip for the Pre-Safe system.

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Via [Geek]

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