Lamborghini Left Behind by C63

Lamborghini Left Behind by C63

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C63 AMG vs Lamborghini Aventador

Remember a few weeks ago when we showed you those videos of the C63 AMG destroying the Ferrari 458 and the Mercedes-Benz SLS in a drag race? Well, we are back with another video of what appears to be another C63 romping off and leaving a Lamborghini Aventador sitting in the back.

A few caveats with this video though. Firstly, let me apologize for the portrait view potato that was used to take the video. I also want to apologize because it seems that the driver of the camera car may have been driving on the rumble strips for most of the footage. Finally, as always, please don’t be stupid on public streets. It can make for some cool videos, but it can also make for some decidedly less cool hospital bills and funeral arrangements.

Now with that out of the way, press play and watch this C63’s tail lights get a lot smaller a lot faster than the Aventador’s.

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Christian Moe has been a professional automotive journalist for over seven years and has reviewed and written about Lexus luxury cars, Corvettes and more for some of the top publications in the world, including Road & Track. Currently, he contributes to many of Internet Brands' Auto Group blogs, including Corvette ForumClub Lexus and Rennlist.

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