The CLA is BLOWING UP! Sales-Wise, that Is.

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Mercedes has such a hit on its hands that the company is once again boosting production of its newest entry-level sedan: the CLA.

According to Automotive News, the CLA has outsold every forecast Mercedes had predicted with the new car. The supply just isn’t meeting the actual demand. Speaking to AN, Daimler boss Dieter Zetsche was quoted in saying they could have sold “twice as many vehicles, easily.”

The CLA is definitely a product of this new era in car buying where old tactics that worked on the baby boomers hasn’t been working on the Gen-X-ers and millennials. The CLA promises upscale livability with a sticker price most could possibly afford. It offers luxury at a bargain price — something the current generation desperately needs because it has a real struggle to make money in this economy.

The company recently added a third shift at one of its plants, but even that failed to keep up with demand for the CLA. I imagine it’s physically impossible to add a fourth shift.

What do you think about the CLA? I’m not sold on it just yet.

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