Utterly Confused Driver Drives Utterly Confused GLK

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The only way to describe the image above would be “absolute confusion.” I honestly don’t know where to start with this GLK. Is it horrendous because of the BlueTEC, or horrendous because of the AMG? Or do those just combine to equal what can only be categorized as “WTF-ery”?

I can understand why you’d want to have a GLK AMG badge. I can almost figure out why you’d want a GLK BlueTEC badge. But why the hell would you put both on the same damn vehicle? Either get an AMG or get a BlueTEC. You can’t have both, and this is actually neither. My oh my, people are something, aren’t they?

I just don’t know why anyone would do this. Can any of you fine folks offer some idea as to why this idiot person committed such a crime against a somewhat-nice GLK? I often think people can no longer astound me, but then I see things like this and just wonder how the human race has even made it this far without destroying itself ten times over.

Chime in with your thoughts on the forum. >>

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