G63 6×6 Kicks Sand in the Faces of Wimpy Beach Goers

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g63 6x6

Where sand, snow, dirt, mud, small children, toads, dunes, rocks, beaches, slicks, ice, gravel, gorillas, tissue boxes, and other unforeseen objects would stop a normal SUV right in its tracks, the Mercedes-Benz AMG G63 6×6 laughs hysterically like a mad supervillain from a James Bond movie. It looks at your puny obstacles and trounces them as if they weren’t even there. It’s an all-purpose vehicle, that actually can handle all the purposes. All of them.

While there have been countless videos of the AMG G63 6×6 going over things, and doing crazy stuff, this next video from the Middle East just goes to show you that literally nothing can stop this SUV from going wherever it wants to. Even soft, loose sand — that would have all other SUVs immediately sink and get stuck — can’t hold this behemoth back.

So suck it world, particularly anyone trying to enjoy a nice beach day, because the G63 6×6 is coming to stomp all around you, and you can’t do anything to stop it.

Deal with it.

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Via [Gumbal]

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