Idiot Driver Annoys Idiot Driver, Mercedes M-Class Fights Back

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Stupidity. It’s inescapable in this world. And considering this world relies heavily on vehicles as a main mode of transportation, thousands of examples of stupidity are seen on the road every single day. With the invention of dash cameras, some of those examples, like the one below, are caught on video.

This clip is a rarity in the “road rage” category for a couple reasons. First, both the M-Class driver seen in the video and the driver behind the camera are both idiots. That’s right, a two-fer! Second, the road rage is quite confusing. The M-Class driver gets pissed that the dash-cam guy laid on his horn for a legit 4-5 seconds, and that’s all before they even come to a stop. Yes, there is a yield sign; yes, there is a lane to merge into traffic; but there are a lot of cars, and the Benz is probably unfamiliar with it. RELAX, GUY, UNNECESSARY.

So, the Benz driver starts to get out, but forgets that when you let your foot off the brake on an automatic car, the idle is going to put said car into motion. The next sequence looks like some weird sort of choreographed Quinceanera couple dance dance. Well, until the car smacks the dude in the head and literally puts him back in his place. It’s hilarious until you realize the guy filming gets such enjoyment out of being a jerk, which just makes the entire video moot. Talk about conflicting emotions. Phew. Dumb people are exhausting.

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Via [Auto Evolution]

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