German Craftsman Builds 300 SL Out of Wood

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German Craftsman Builds 300 SL Out of Wood

Hopefully, Mercedes-Benz will be a little more lenient with this replica of the 300 SL. The one they crushed was just an aluminum copy, but this… This is art.

It’s a full on 1:1 replica of the original gullwing, from the incredibly cool lift up doors, right down to the fiddly bits on the dash board. Even the steering works, if the ebay page is to believed. Though without an engine, it’s effectievely and art piece. Actually it’s better than art. It’s art you can sit in. And at a meager $7700 dollars, it costs less than the original too.

German Craftsman Builds 300 SL Out of Wood German Craftsman Builds 300 SL Out of Wood German Craftsman Builds 300 SL Out of Wood German Craftsman Builds 300 SL Out of Wood

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