Coming to North America: AMG’s Driving School to Be Offered in Canada

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Good news for Linkin Park: they won’t have to leave their continent to go to AMG’s driving academy the next time they want to sharpen their snow-driving skills. And neither do you! Because the winter AMG academy will be offered for the first time in North America.

Up until this point, North America did have a winter driving academy from the Germans, but it was limited to just Mercedes-Benz vehicles. Not that that’s exactly a bad thing, Benzes are still a blast to drive in the snow, buttttttt they aren’t AMGs. Nothing compares to the AMGs, and that makes this a big deal.


Rather than flying all the way out to Sweden, the academy will reportedly be held on Lake Winnipeg. You’ll be able to buy three- or four-day programs, and they’re going to be offered in January and February.

Now you know what to ask for for the holidays this year.

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via [Motor Authority]

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