Mercedes of China Under Investigation for Using Asphalt As Sound Deadener

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Content Provided Courtesy of BenzInsider
The China division of Mercedes-Benz is being investigated along with two other auto manufacturers by the Administrative Center for Defective Products of China or the DPAC since it supposedly used asphalt on vehicles as sound deadeners. The two other automobile manufacturers whose China divisions were also investigated were Audi and BMW.

The report indicated that some models of the vehicles produced by Beijing-Benz, FAW-Volkswagen and Brilliance-BMW supposedly used asphalt on their damping plates. The damping plates of the vehicles are used to absorb noise and vibration. It is also used as waterproofing for the vehicles.

A comprehensive investigation will allow authorities to check if the vehicles produced by these companies comply with the environmental standards implemented in China. For the moment, no fines were imposed on the automobile manufacturers. However, they were requested to make an evaluation of their operations as well as to work on the issue. It is expected that the China division of Mercedes-Benz along with Audi and BMW may announce a major recall soon.

Content Provided Courtesy of BenzInsider

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