Man Arrested for Toll Road-Fooling License Plate Cover

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Not All Heroes Wear Capes, and Not All Florida Drivers Pay Toll Road Fees

A real people’s hero has been canned for doing something we all wish had the cojones to do. A man from Florida has been caught red-handed using a license plate gadget to avoid paying toll road fees. How? He did it in front of a State Trooper.

Man Arrested for Toll Road-Fooling License Plate Cover

Yes, because a news headline such as this could not originate from any other state in this beautiful country, Florida takes the cake. Again. According to WFTS, a man was arrested in Orange County after using a remote device to cover his license plate while driving by toll road cameras. Alas, he did so when a State Highway Patrol officer was directly behind him. As a result, he was arrested. You almost had it, Florida Man!

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The toll road vigilante goes by the name of Joshua West, and it’s not clear whether he engineered the device himself, or purchased it. Several toll road-scamming devices and methods are available online, though in our honest opinion, none are worth taking a ride in a cop car over. Then again, that’s just us.

More importantly, authorities aren’t sure how long Mr. West has been using this Bond-like device. Figuring out how long he’s been scamming the system could greatly impact his fine/sentence.

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