Street-Racing Mercedes-Benz Crashes and Burns

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Chilling Video Is Another Reminder of the Dangers of Street Racing

Let this serve as a clear reminder: regardless of how skilled you might think you are behind the wheel, racing is meant for the racetrack.

The video above shows a string of cars lining up in a Colombian tunnel for a street race. They even hold up traffic waiting for the horn to sound. Then, roughly 30-seconds into the above clip, a Mercedes-Benz totally misjudges a turn. It crashes into one of the tunnel walls, and skids and sparks into the median.

street racing mercedes crash

It’s tough to say exactly how fast the cars were actually going. But based on the impact of the Benz, we sincerely doubt that it was anywhere close to the legal speed limit.

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A report about the incident by The Drive doesn’t mention the condition of the driver. However, based on the condition of the car, we’d be surprised if no injuries were suffered. To describe the Mercedes as completely totaled is really an understatement. That’s visibly evident in the photo featured here.

Thankfully, it appears that a couple of innocent drivers in the tunnel narrowly missed being caught up in the accident. At least two cars can be seen driving at seemingly more normal speeds as the Mercedes barrels by.

Again, it’s all just another reminder of the dangers associated with street racing, not just for the racers, but for everyone on the road.

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