Mercedes Drivers Overcome by Road Rage Crash into Each Other

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Most fear a single scratch, but these two Mercedes drivers destroy their rides in a quest for macho superiority.

Remember playing Mario Kart and crashing into your opponents when they attempted to pass you? For most of us, that was the only time we applied such savage moves. For less-mentally-stable folks, it’s apparently a justified way of dealing with traffic.

This video courtesy of red Khaz shows two crazy Russian drivers going head-to-head during a traffic jam. One party is driving a first-generation Mercedes-Benz ML, while the other is at the wheel of a G63 AMG. It doesn’t take much automotive knowledge to know that should these two fight each other for vehicular superiority, the tank-like characteristics of the G-Wagen would conquer.


ALSO SEE: Sand Wedge Won’t Help: AMG C63 Gets Stuck in Golf Course Sand Trap 


The only way to describe the 59-second video is as absolutely-freaking-insane. To know that these people are willing to destroy their vehicles to simply win a road rage fight is mind-blowing. Needless to say, other people in nearby cars were endangered while this was going on, and could’ve easily been hurt.

All for what, to see who’s got the biggest balls and toughest Benz?

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