Mmmmm Donuts: The Solution to a Saggy Tailpipe

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Learn the secret to solving that dragging, clanging feeling that comes from a saggy tailpipe.

Mercedes has always been advanced, typically 10 years ahead of their time. Which means plenty of older models are still out there, looking and performing like new. But one of the few things that will make your ’90s model feel its true age (besides the cassette deck in the dash) is an exhaust system that sags and drags on every bump.

Mmmmm Donuts: The Solution to a Saggy Tailpipe

This problem is due to Mercedes using rubber “donuts” to hang the entire system, and isolate the driver from annoying vibrations and heat. Time and the harsh environment under the car takes its toll on the rubber. And then the donuts just fall apart.

CHECK OUT: What Forum Members Are Saying About Such Saggyness

This photo shows a cheap rubber donut about to fail and cause a noisy, ugly problem. In extreme cases, especially in areas where they salt the roads, the donut’s failing can cause a chain of events, leading to a whole exhaust system laying on the side of the road. If you notice your tail pipe dragging, take a look under the car. Oftentimes zip ties, bungee cords, or even shoe laces can be deployed to get you home or to the shop.

For more information, including how to install good new donuts with the reinforced center, check out the above video from Mercedes Source. Then let us know what you think!

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